08 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible |
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0 |
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)4 Handwashing aids and devices may not be provided for sinks not designated as hand sink; hand signs not provided |
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Observed no handwashing signs in both the Men & Ladies' Restrooms. |
PIC stated they are remodeling and will replace those signs. |
Core (C) |
0 |
21,22 Date & Time for food safety |
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0 |
21,22 21 Date Marking and Disposition |
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0 |
21,22 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)7 Date Marking; 6 days beyond the day of creation; exceptions are commercially made deli salads, hard cheeses, semi-soft cheeses, cultured dairy products, preserved fish, ... |
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Observed no date markings on the creamers in the retail creamer dispenser and the iced coffees in the iced coffees dispenser. |
Priority (P) |
0 |
35,36 Pests & contamination |
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0 |
35,36 35 Insects, rodents, and animals not present |
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0 |
35,36 0080-04-09-.06(2)(b)5 Outer Openings - Protected |
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Observed open space at the bottom of the back door in the kitchen prep area that could allow pests to enter. Inspector was able to put a writing pen through it. |
Core (C) |
0 |