08 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible |
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0 |
08 0080-04-09-.05(2)(e)1 Handwash sink shall only be used for washing hands; accessible at all times |
out |
Handwashing sink in deli area being utilized for multi-purpose |
Discussed violation and Management removing handwashing designating from that sink, alternate handwashing sink located 5-8ft away |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
09,10,11,12 Approved Source |
in |
0 |
09,10,11,12 9 Food obtained from an approved source |
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0 |
09,10,11,12 0080-04-09-.03(2)(a) Food source complies with law; from permitted establishment; hermetically sealed container; fluid milk grade A; commercially caught fish; molluscan shellfish from I... |
out |
Jerky items being sold at deli counter without proper labeling to determine manufacturer location; no shipping invoice to prove origin |
labeling created during inspection and approved; discussed need to create intra-store invoicing for products sold on site, but manufactured at alternate location |
Priority (P) |
0 |
21,22 Date & Time for food safety |
in |
0 |
21,22 21 Date Marking and Disposition |
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0 |
21,22 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)7 Date Marking; 6 days beyond the day of creation; exceptions are commercially made deli salads, hard cheeses, semi-soft cheeses, cultured dairy products, preserved fish, ... |
out |
Deli Meats not date marked |
Priority (P) |
0 |
34 Food Properly labeled |
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0 |
34 0080-04-09-.03(6)(b) Food Label (common name, ingredient list, allergens, quantity, name & address of manufacturer), bulk food card/sign/placard; exempt for bulk unpackaged foods portioned to co... |
out |
Repackaged food item labels do not have Firm address on them |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
35,36 Pests & contamination |
in |
0 |
35,36 36 Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage or display |
in |
0 |
35,36 0080-04-09-.03(3)(b)1 Preventing packaged and unpackaged food contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation methods |
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Breading container uncovered at Retail Meat Prep area |
Priority (P) |
0 |
38,39 wiping cloth & washing produce |
in |
0 |
38,39 38 Wiping cloths properly used and stored |
in |
0 |
38,39 0080-04-09-.03(3)(d)4 Wiping cloths shall be maintained dry or held in sanitizer; free of debris; wiping cloth storage containers are stored off the floor |
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Wet cloths on deli prep tables |
Core (C) |
0 |
40,41 Utensils |
in |
0 |
40,41 40 In use utensils properly stored |
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0 |
40,41 0080-04-09-.03(3)(d)2 In use utensils for food preparation or dispensing shall be stored properly; handle above food, or in running water, and protected. |
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Ice Scoop sitting on top of ice maker; tongs sitting in produce bin |
Core (C) |
0 |
51,52 Facilities |
in |
0 |
51,52 52 Physical facilities installed, maintained, clean |
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0 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.06(5)(m) Maintenance tools such as brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners need to be properly stored; mops stored to air dry. |
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mop sinks full, mop left in bucket, mopheads not inverted to dry(touching mop sink water handles |
Core (C) |
0 |
53 Ventilation, lighting, and designated areas used |
in |
0 |
53 0080-04-09-.06(4)(c) Designated area for personal items shall be located so that food and equipment are protected from contamination; personal belongings properly stored |
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Cell phone placed on prep table beside raw meat products |
Core (C) |
0 |