
Food Safety Retail Inspection

Inspection details

Inspection Date Inspection Type In Person/Virtual Establishment Type Risk Type Permit posted Previous inspection available
07/05/2023 High Risk Food Retail Yes Yes

Equipment Temperatures

Description Temperature
Walk in cold holding unit 42.1
Walk in Freezer 13.4
Open Air @ retail 44
Small Cold Holding unit @ food service 45.4
Small Freezer @ food service 23.2
Ice Cream Freezer @ retail 9.2
Makeshift Unit @ food service 39.9

Food Temperatures

Description Temperature State Of Food
Chedder Wurst @ roller grill 156
Hot dogs @ roller Grill 164
tornados @ roller Grill 139
sliced tomatoes @ self serve 39
In house deli meat sandwich@ TCS open air cold holding Unit 42
chedder wurst @ walk in cold holding unit 42
hot dogs @ walk in cold holding unit 42
precooked sausage @ makeshift 41
pulled pork @ makeshift 41
scramble eggs @ small TCS cold holding food service 30
nacho cheese @ hot holding self serve 154
cheese @ hot holding self serve 149

Warewashing Information

Machine Name ppm Sanitizer Name Sanitizer Type Temperature
Three compartment sink -not set up Formula 200


Violation Status Observations Corrective Actions Violation Category Repeat
04,05 Hygiene in 0
04,05 4 Eating, Drinking, or Using Tobacco in 0
04,05 0080-04-09-.02(4)(a) Employees shall eat, drink, or use any form of tobacco only in designated areas out Employee was observed to be drinking in food preparation area were open foods were present and other employee drinks were stored on a cart with single use food containers. Priority (P) 0
06,07 Hand Hygiene in 0
06,07 6 Hands Clean and Properly washed in 0
06,07 0080-04-09-.02(3)(c) Wash hands immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service articles; donni... out Employee was observed to take a drink from personal drink with single use gloves on, employee did not remove single use gloves and wash their hands before returning to food preparation and food handling. Priority (P) 0
08 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible in 0
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)3 Handwashing sinks, properly supplied with drying devices out No paper towels or drying device was observed to at the hand washing sink at the food service preparation area near the three-compartment sink. Person in charge place paper towels at the hand washing sink next to the three compartment sink at the time of inspection. Priority Foundation (PF) 0
14 Food contact surfaces; clean and sanitized in 0
14 0080-04-09-.04(6)(b)1 Food contact cleaning frequency; 4 hours at ambient temperature out The ice deflection shields at the self-serve drink machines were observed to have excessive amount of black/brown build up and resides. Priority (P) 0
19,20 safe temperature holding in 0
19,20 19 Hot holding temperature in 0
19,20 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)6(i)(I) Hot holding at 135F or above for Time/temperature control for safety foods out Corn dogs, pizza sticks (cheese and pepperoni) and chicken wings at the self serve hot holding unit were observed have an internal temperature of 109-120 degrees F. Person in charge voluntary discarded these food items referenced in the violation in the trash at the time of inspection. Priority (P) 0
19,20 20 Cold holding temperature in 0
19,20 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)6(i)(II) Cold holding at 41F or less for Time/temperature control for safety foods out The chocolate and vanilla pudding at the open-air cold holding unit had an internal temperature of 50-degree F. TCS deli meat sandwiches at the open-air cold holding unit had an internal temperature of 44 degrees F. The in-house leafy greens salads at the open-air cold holding unit had an internal temperature of 44-45 degree. TCS deli meat sandwiches and leafy green salads had a discard date of 6 July 2023. Sausage patties and sausage rolls in the small food service cold holding unit were observed to have internal temperature of 46-50 degree F. Person in charge voluntary discard all foods referenced in the violation in the trash at the time of inspection. Priority (P) 0
21,22 Date & Time for food safety in 0
21,22 21 Date Marking and Disposition in 0
21,22 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)7 Date Marking; 6 days beyond the day of creation; exceptions are commercially made deli salads, hard cheeses, semi-soft cheeses, cultured dairy products, preserved fish, ... out Date marking system was inconsistent. Several commerically prepared temperature control for safe (such as pepperoni, sausage, ham, Alfredo sauce, food items in walk in cold holding unit and food service cold holding unit area had 30 days, 14 days and 7 days. Date marking system needs to be consistent for items that are not exempt from date marking. Priority (P) 2
Total Score Violation Score Inspection Score Inspection %
100 26 74 74
Violation Category Total Count Violation Count Inspection Count Inspection %
69 0 69 100
Core (C) 45 0 45 100
Priority (P) 49 6 43 87
Priority Foundation (PF) 39 1 38 97