
Food Safety Retail Inspection

Inspection details

Inspection Date Inspection Type In Person/Virtual Establishment Type Risk Type Permit posted Previous inspection available
05/29/2024 High Risk Food Retail Yes Yes

Equipment Temperatures

Description Temperature
Deli Pizza Prep Cooler 35
Deli Stand-up Reach in Cooler 40
Deli Stand-Up Freezer 3
Retail Walk in Cooler 40
Retail Ice Cream Chest -15

Food Temperatures

Description Temperature State Of Food
Pizza Slice 136
Chopped Peppers 34
Chicken (Raw) 39
Chicken Flour 35
Chicken Wing 168
Chicken Tenders 172

Warewashing Information

Machine Name ppm Sanitizer Name Sanitizer Type Temperature
3 Compartment Sink Clorox


Violation Status Observations Corrective Actions Violation Category Repeat
08 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible in 0
08 0080-04-09-.05(2)(c)1 Handwashing sinks are installed according to the capacity of preparation areas out Firm has one hand sink that services the entire prep area and the ware washing area. The sink is located near the registers and is convenient for the Hunt's Brother's pizza prep area and the hot box, but is approximately 15 steps from the additional prep tables and grills, and 20 steps from the ware wash sink, which is not convenient. Priority Foundation (PF) 0
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)3 Handwashing sinks, properly supplied with drying devices in The hand sink in the employee restroom was not properly supplied with drying devices. Priority Foundation (PF) 0
13 Food separated and protected in 0
13 0080-04-09-.03(3)(b)1(i)(I) Raw animal foods must be kept separate from ready to eat foods at all times out Observed a chub a bologna stored underneath raw bacon in the deli stand-up cooler. Bologna was moved to the top shelf with other ready to eat products. Priority (P) 0
14 Food contact surfaces; clean and sanitized in 0
14 0080-04-09-.04(5)(a)16 Sanitizer concentration shall be accurately determined out The firm did not have an appropriate sanitizer available for ware washing at the start of the inspection. An appropriate sanitizer was obtained by an employee. Priority Foundation (PF) 0
19,20 safe temperature holding in 0
19,20 19 Hot holding temperature in 0
19,20 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)6(i)(I) Hot holding at 135F or above for Time/temperature control for safety foods out Several items in the deli hotbox were tempt below 135F with a state calibrated thermometer. Specifically, Chicken tenders at109F, Chicken wings at 110F, Corndogs at 126F, and Pizza Stick at 129F. It was determined that food items had been prepared 2 hours prior, so an employee was allowed to reheat all food items to above 165F. Priority (P) 0
33 Thermometers provided and accurate in 0
33 0080-04-09-.04(5)(b)1 Good Repair and Calibration (Thermometers shall be accurate to plus or minus 2F) out The deli probe thermometer was found to be out of calibration. When tested with a cup of ice water, the firms thermometer read approximately 15F while the inspectors' state calibrated thermometer read 34F. Priority Foundation (PF) 0
46 Non-food contact surfaces clean in 0
46 0080-04-09-.04(6)(a)1(iii) Non-food contact surfaces shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. out Observed dust build up on the walk in cooler condenser fan guards. Core (C) 2
53 Ventilation, lighting, and designated areas used in 0
53 0080-04-09-.06(4)(c) Designated area for personal items shall be located so that food and equipment are protected from contamination; personal belongings properly stored out Observed personal items such as a medicine bottle, open bottle of water, and food items stored on the top shelf of the deli stand-up cooler, directly above eggs and chicken products for deli food items. Core (C) 0
Total Score Violation Score Inspection Score Inspection %
100 19 81 81
Violation Category Total Count Violation Count Inspection Count Inspection %
69 0 69 100
Core (C) 45 2 43 95
Priority (P) 49 2 47 95
Priority Foundation (PF) 39 3 36 92