01 PIC present, Knowledgeable, Duties |
in |
0 |
01 0080-04-09-.02(1)(c) Person in charge - Duties |
out |
No staff could demonstrate how to test the sanitizing solution (training was done at the time of this inspection). |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
08 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible |
in |
0 |
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)2 Handwashing sinks, properly supplied with soap |
out |
There was no soap in the men's restroom. |
The PIC put soap in the restroom while the inspector was present. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
14 Food contact surfaces; clean and sanitized |
in |
0 |
14 0080-04-09-.04(6)(a) Food contact surfaces shall be visually clean. |
out |
The ice machine deflector shield had black organic matter on it. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
1 |
14 0080-04-09-.04(6)(b)2 Cooking, baking equipment, and microwaves cleaning frequency; at least every 24 hours |
out |
The microwave in the food preparation area was unclean with residue on the inside. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
2 |
14 0080-04-09-.04(5)(a)16 Sanitizer concentration shall be accurately determined |
out |
The sanitizing concentration was below 200 ppm-firm is using Sanitizer Plus ammonia. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
21,22 Date & Time for food safety |
in |
0 |
21,22 21 Date Marking and Disposition |
in |
0 |
21,22 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)7 Date Marking; 6 days beyond the day of creation; exceptions are commercially made deli salads, hard cheeses, semi-soft cheeses, cultured dairy products, preserved fish, ... |
out |
There was no date marking system in place for the Angus Cheeseburgers that read "Keep Frozen" stored in the reach in coolers. Michelena dinners that read "Keep Frozen" were fully thawed in the reach-in coolers. |
Priority (P) |
1 |
34 Food Properly labeled |
in |
0 |
34 0080-04-09-.03(6)(b) Food Label (common name, ingredient list, allergens, quantity, name & address of manufacturer), bulk food card/sign/placard; exempt for bulk unpackaged foods portioned to co... |
out |
The bagged ice made on site did not have the name of firm, address, or phone number on it. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
1 |
44,45 Utensils and equipment |
in |
0 |
44,45 45 Warewashing facilities installed, maintained, and used; test strips |
in |
0 |
44,45 0080-04-09-.04(3)(b)4 Test Kits to measure concentration of sanitizing solutions. |
out |
There were no test strips available for the sanitizer. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
2 |
53 Ventilation, lighting, and designated areas used |
in |
0 |
53 0080-04-09-.06(4)(c) Designated area for personal items shall be located so that food and equipment are protected from contamination; personal belongings properly stored |
out |
An employee phone was observed in the kitchen area on the preparation table. |
Core (C) |
2 |