08 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible |
in |
0 |
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)4 Handwashing aids and devices may not be provided for sinks not designated as hand sink; hand signs not provided |
out |
There were no hand signs in the restrooms. |
Core (C) |
0 |
21,22 Date & Time for food safety |
in |
0 |
21,22 21 Date Marking and Disposition |
in |
0 |
21,22 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)8 Date Marking; Discard food after 7 days at 41F |
out |
Four brunchburgers were observed on the hot holding warmer with a disposal date of 11/7/2023 at the time of the inspection on 11/9/2023. |
The PIC disposed of the items. |
Priority (P) |
0 |
51,52 Facilities |
in |
0 |
51,52 52 Physical facilities installed, maintained, clean |
in |
0 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.06(5)(a) Maintained in good repair |
out |
The hot water at the hand sink located in the prep area was not heating properly (employee stated that it works occasionally but not during this inspection-PIC advised that she would put a work order in). |
Core (C) |
0 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.06(5)(b) Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary |
out |
The fan guards in the walk-in cooler had dust on them. The walk-in cooler floor had trash/debris on it. |
Core (C) |
2 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.06(5)(n) Premises maintained free of unnecessary items and litter |
out |
There was litter near the dumpster area (tires, etc.) and behind the building. |
Core (C) |
0 |