08 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible |
in |
0 |
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)2 Handwashing sinks, properly supplied with soap |
out |
No soap was available in the customer restroom. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)3 Handwashing sinks, properly supplied with drying devices |
out |
No paper towels or drying device was available in the customer restroom. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
4 |
08 0080-04-09-.06(3)(a)4 Handwashing aids and devices may not be provided for sinks not designated as hand sink; hand signs not provided |
out |
No hand washing sign was observed in the customer restroom. The firm has two hand washing signs at the hand sink in the kitchen/food service area. One of these signs may be moved to that restroom. |
Core (C) |
4 |
14 Food contact surfaces; clean and sanitized |
in |
0 |
14 0080-04-09-.04(6)(a) Food contact surfaces shall be visually clean. |
out |
Pink organic build up was observed on the ice maker deflector shield. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
33 Thermometers provided and accurate |
in |
0 |
33 0080-04-09-.04(3)(b)2 Probe thermometer shall be readily accessible to check food temperatures |
out |
No probe thermometer was available in the firm. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
0 |
34 Food Properly labeled |
in |
0 |
34 0080-04-09-.03(6)(b) Food Label (common name, ingredient list, allergens, quantity, name & address of manufacturer), bulk food card/sign/placard; exempt for bulk unpackaged foods portioned to co... |
out |
Ice bagged on site did was not labeled with the name and address of the facility. Indvidual prepacked fruit cups that appear to be from a retail multipack have no label. |
Priority Foundation (PF) |
5 |
40,41 Utensils |
in |
0 |
40,41 40 In use utensils properly stored |
in |
0 |
40,41 0080-04-09-.03(3)(d)2 In use utensils for food preparation or dispensing shall be stored properly; handle above food, or in running water, and protected. |
out |
The ice scoop was observed stored uncovered and unprotected on top of the ice maker. |
Core (C) |
0 |
42,43 Single service & gloves |
in |
0 |
42,43 42 Single-service articles stored and used |
in |
0 |
42,43 0080-04-09-.04(9)(c)1 Single-service articles protected from contamination |
out |
A stack of pizza boxes was observed stored directly on the floor in the kitchen/food service area. |
Core (C) |
1 |
50 Toilet facilities; constructed, supplied, cleaned |
in |
0 |
50 0080-04-09-.05(5)(a)7 A toilet room used by females shall be provided with a covered receptacle for sanitary napkins. |
out |
The trash can in the customer unisex restroom did not have a lid or cover. Restrooms used by females must have a cover trash can. |
Core (C) |
1 |
50 0080-04-09-.06(5)(h) Toilet room cleaning frequency |
out |
A strong odor was smelled in the customer unisex restroom. The restroom had an excessive amount of litter in it. |
Core (C) |
0 |
51,52 Facilities |
in |
0 |
51,52 52 Physical facilities installed, maintained, clean |
in |
0 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.06(5)(a) Maintained in good repair |
out |
The spray at the 3 compartment sink is not dispensing water in a steady stream and most of the water comes out of the sides of the sprayer. Needs repair or replacement. |
Core (C) |
2 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.06(5)(b) Physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary |
out |
Water was observed pooling on the floor of the walk in cooler. |
Core (C) |
0 |