21,22 Date & Time for food safety |
in |
0 |
21,22 21 Date Marking and Disposition |
in |
0 |
21,22 0080-04-09-.03(5)(a)7 Date Marking; 6 days beyond the day of creation; exceptions are commercially made deli salads, hard cheeses, semi-soft cheeses, cultured dairy products, preserved fish, ... |
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Going over 7 days on date marking for store made pickled carrots in retail cooler. If want product to go over 7 days would need to get variance from TDA. |
Priority (P) |
0 |
40,41 Utensils |
in |
0 |
40,41 41 Utensils, equipment, and linens; stored, dried, and handled |
in |
0 |
40,41 0080-04-09-.04(9)(d)1 Cleaned and sanitized utensils are handled, displayed, or dispensed to protect from contamination of food |
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Wet bowls nesting inside each other at clean storage area |
Core (C) |
0 |
42,43 Single service & gloves |
in |
0 |
42,43 42 Single-service articles stored and used |
in |
0 |
42,43 0080-04-09-.04(9)(c)1 Single-service articles protected from contamination |
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storing cases of food containers on top shelf inside kitchen employee rest room |
Core (C) |
0 |
51,52 Facilities |
in |
0 |
51,52 51 Garbage and refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained |
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0 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.05(5)(a) Waste containers durable & cleanable; inaccessible to pests; drain plugs as required; outside dumpster on cleanable surface; outside dumpster properly constructed. |
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outside grease container spillage on outside of container attracting flies. |
Core (C) |
0 |
51,52 52 Physical facilities installed, maintained, clean |
in |
0 |
51,52 0080-04-09-.06(5)(a) Maintained in good repair |
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hand sink at rest room for employees in meat department area auto heater not working properly. |
Core (C) |
0 |