Attachments for: GOJO INDUSTRIES, INC.-1273 1273

Title Description Attachment type File Created At
EC5B3427-D703-4402-ABC5-DDEBE6B7508C.pdf PURELL FOODSERVICE SURFACE SANITIZER, NO RINSE REQUIRED Product Label (PL) EC5B3427-D703-4402-ABC5-DDEBE6B7508C.pdf 06/12/2023 View Download
PURELL FOODSERVICE SURFACE SANITIZER, NO RINSE REQUIRED • Updated Directions for use to add “visibly” as needed • Added “For virucidal use directions see disinfection directions” • Replace “Mycobacterium bovis var. BCG (TB/Tuberculosis) at ambient temperature 5 min.” with “Mycobacterium bovis var. BCG (TB/Tuberculosis) at ambient temperature 2.5 min.” • Add “†SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19 Virus) 10 sec.” Product Label (PL) 01b_84150-3_Purell_Foodservice_Surface_Sanitizer_NRR_on_food_contact_surfaces_ 32oz_Label_2024 (1).pdf 09/10/2024 View Download