Item for: Vive Crop Protection - 5295 5295

Item Type Registered Product (RP)
Product Name PHOBOS FC
EPA Registration Number 89118-17
Expiration Date 06/30/2025
Discontinued? No
Date Paid 06/20/2024
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) Prothioconazole 32.3%
Active Ingredient(s)
Exempt No
Discontinued Date
Cancelled No
Cancelled Date
Experimental Use
User Type Farm/Agricultural
Product Type Fungicide
Uses Outside
Comments is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide for the control of Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes diseases in a variety of crops including: barley; bushberries; low growing berries; buckwheat; millet; oats; rye; corn; cotton; chickpeas; cucurbit vegetables; dried shelled peas and beans; lentils; rapeseeds (including canola and Brassica carinata); peanuts; rice; soybeans; sugar beets; wheat and triticale