Item Type | Registered Product (RP) |
Product Name | PEROX AG |
EPA Registration Number | 63838-1-833 |
Expiration Date | 06/30/2025 |
Discontinued? | No |
Date Paid | 05/31/2024 |
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) | Peroxyacetic Acid 5.6% , Hydrogen Peroxide 26.5% |
Active Ingredient(s) | |
Exempt | No |
Discontinued Date | |
Cancelled | No |
Cancelled Date | |
Experimental Use | |
User Type | Farm/Agricultural |
Product Type | Sanitize |
Uses | Aquatic, Disinfectants |
Comments | Perox Ag is a peroxyacetic acid-based sanitizer/disinfectant developed for the following uses: Bacteria, Fungi, Slime, Odor and Algae control in agricultural waters and for Foliar Spraying. |