Item for: Hacco, Inc. - 21 21

Item Type Registered Product (RP)
EPA Registration Number 61282-63
Expiration Date 06/30/2025
Discontinued? No
Date Paid 06/10/2024
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) Diphacinone (2-Diphenylacetyl-1,3-Indandione).............0.005%
Active Ingredient(s)
Exempt No
Discontinued Date
Cancelled No
Cancelled Date
Experimental Use RUP
User Type Professional
Product Type Rodenticide
Uses Outside
Comments Kills Rats and Mice For Control of California Ground Squirrels, Pocket Gophers, Voles*, and Moles* This Product Cannot Be Sold or Distributed in Packaging that Holds Less Than 4 Pounds of Bait. *Not for use against voles or moles in California, Hawaii, New Hampshire, and Indiana. For use only against the eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus) and the hairy-tailed mole (Parascalops breweri) in North Carolina. Not for use against the star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata parva) in North Carolina