Item for: Innovative Water Care, LLC.-6185 6185

Item Type Registered Product (RP)
EPA Registration Number 1258-1412
Expiration Date 06/30/2025
Discontinued? No
Date Paid 07/19/2024
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE .............................. 59.5%
Active Ingredient(s)
Exempt No
Discontinued Date
Cancelled No
Cancelled Date
Experimental Use
User Type Consumer
Product Type Sanitize
Uses Aquatic
Comments easy-to-use and can be used for routine sanitization. Pulsar Innity2 is an alternative to traditional tri-chlor tablets and does not contain cyanuric acid. Exclusively designed for use in a Pulsar Innity feeder this tablet will destroy bacteria and organic contaminants without overstabilizing your pool or add cyanuric acid to your water.