Item for: Premier Horticulture Inc. - 3168 3168

Item Type Registered Product (RP)
EPA Registration Number 74267-8
Expiration Date 06/30/2025
Discontinued? No
Date Paid 06/26/2024
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) Bacillus pumilus strain PTB180†* ……..0.001%
Active Ingredient(s)
Exempt No
Discontinued Date
Cancelled No
Cancelled Date
Experimental Use
User Type
Product Type
Comments OMRI; PRO-MIX® O AGTIV® FORTIFY™ has been enriched with Bacillus pumilus bacteria that colonize developing root systems and suppress disease-causing organisms, such as Pythium, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia, and certain labeled insect pests, such as fungus gnats that attack root systems and thrips that pupate into the growing medium. As the root system develops, the bacteria grow within the rhizosphere and extend the protection throughout the growing season. In addition, the Rhizophagus irregularis fungi contained in PRO-MIX® O AGTIV® FORTIFY™ attach to and colonize root systems, working in symbiosis with plants. Endomycorrhizal fungi benefit the host plant by increasing acquisition of water and nutrients (especially phosphorus, copper and zinc) by forming an extensive mycorrhizal hyphal network that attaches to the plant root system. In exchange, the plant provides soluble sugars to the fungus