Item Type | Registered Product (RP) |
EPA Registration Number | 101563-154 |
Expiration Date | 06/30/2025 |
Discontinued? | No |
Date Paid | 09/30/2024 |
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) | Foramsulfuron (CAS Number 173159-57-4)… .......................24.0% Iodosulfuron-methyl (CAS Number 144550-36-7) ............... 2.4% Thiencarbazone-methyl (CAS Number 317815-83-1)..........10.0% |
Active Ingredient(s) | |
Exempt | No |
Discontinued Date | |
Cancelled | No |
Cancelled Date | |
Experimental Use | |
User Type | Consumer |
Product Type | Herbicide |
Uses | Outside, Right of Way |
Comments | Used to manage weeds in Unimproved Warm-Season Grass Areas, Non-irrigation ditch banks, Pipelines, Highways, Airports, Railroads, Utility Rights-of-Way, Parks, Natural areas, Military installations, Restoration sites, Municipal sites, Manufacturing sites, Sewage disposal sites, Commercial sites, and Industrial sites. Also Used for Seedhead and Vegetative Growth Regulation of bahiagrass**. |