Item for: Atticus, LLC. -5383 5383

Item Type Registered Product (RP)
Product Name NIXLO 1.3% EC
EPA Registration Number 91234-338
Expiration Date 06/30/2025
Discontinued? No
Date Paid 07/22/2024
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) Pyriproxyfen 1.3%
Active Ingredient(s)
Exempt No
Discontinued Date
Cancelled No
Cancelled Date
Experimental Use
User Type Consumer
Product Type Insecticide
Uses Inside, Outside
Comments [An insect growth regulator (IGR) for use in homes, apartments, schools, warehouses, offices, and other private, commercial or public buildings; in food and non-food areas of restaurants, food warehouses, and food-handling and food-processing establishments; in transport vehicles and animal housing facilities; and outdoor treatments on and adjacent to buildings and structures, on lawns, and in pet areas]