Item Type | Registered Product (RP) |
Product Name | ORKINTHERM PRO |
EPA Registration Number | 103652-1 |
Expiration Date | 06/30/2025 |
Discontinued? | No |
Date Paid | 10/17/2024 |
Active Ingredient(s) (migrated) | orthoboric acid 12.5% |
Active Ingredient(s) | |
Exempt | No |
Discontinued Date | |
Cancelled | No |
Cancelled Date | |
Experimental Use | |
User Type | Consumer |
Product Type | Insecticide |
Uses | Inside |
Comments | OrkinTherm Pro is an insect/arthropod control insulation. This product is toxic to listed insects and other arthropods and is intended to prevent their infestations in those building voids (attic, wall, between-floors, crawlspace) where the product is applied. Its toxic effect begins only after insect/arthropod contact with the product. |